Hey, thanks for doing these! Just now catching up to the first two 12-tracks, having somehow not noticed until the most recent 2. This fits perfectly with how I like finding out about new-to-me music, and also how I program my weekly college radio show here in Cleveland (https://wruw.org/show/what-you-need/), so -- my listeners thank you as well!

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Thanks for these tracks. And for discovering to me this O.rang theme with Beth Gibbons. Are you sharing more in the following days?

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Great mix… that Rypdal track is mind blowing.

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I am with you. Thanks for the wonderful 12 tracks. Cheers!

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One of my big faves of the time, music that will be with me forever: https://simplygoodmusic.blogspot.com/

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Ahh man, great idea. I miss the blogspot days. Ran my own when I was a lot younger, offered single tracks in low quality, only occasionally got shit off the artist(s). Can't believe it's still up. https://walkintothesea.blogspot.com/

Sharing is caring. Music is timeless. Peace and love.

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Really great move, super looking forward to seeing how the music gradually builds into a unique collection!

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This is a wonderful idea! Haven’t had a chance to download yet. How is this legally legit? 🙌

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john livengood - 12 untitled - pure gold. Thanks

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thank u for sharing!

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