Really looking forward to diving in here. Also a massive fan of that period. Yerself is Steam, Heaven or Las Vegas, Daydream Nation, Loveless and Lazer Guided Melodies are probably the classics but adding to your haul here, I'd add Free-D from Ecstasy of St Theresa, Euphoria by Insides, Hex by Bark Psychosis and Blood by This Mortal Coil. That Seefeel box from last year is nice too.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022Author

100% agree. I did Ecstacy Of St Theresa in an ambient techno thread on Twitter a few weeks ago so I tried to mix it up. I love them. Hex is a classic and i.love the insides album. But earwig won my heart first

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Ooh... how about: Laika - Sound of the Satellites

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For years I mistakenly referred to EST as ‘the Ecstacy of Mother Theresa’

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Nice to see Disco Inferno getting some love. I do have several thoughts on shoegaze but I don’t know if your replies are the place?

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Feel free to email me. Tarotplane@proton.me

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Oh, go on! Personally, I got a bit frustrated with a lot if those bands cos they just didn't go far enough. Lush, Curve, Ride and Slowdive all peaked with their early EPs and didn't know where to take it (although Slowdive tried).

To be fair, it must have been tough after Loveless. Cos where do you go from there? Even Kevin Shields couldn't manage it.

But some of these bands and the likes of EST give a bit of the answer. Probably my favourite album of that period and this ilk is the Chapterhouse remix LP by Global Communication.

For me, it felt like loads of these bands became redundant when techno came along but there are hints here and there of a fusion of those elements. And, to some extent, it would only blossom many years later. Here's some more thoughts on this nexus and a mix from a while back: https://myfestivallife.com/2021/02/01/music-as-medicine-3-loveless-dreaming/

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Lots of "new" music to listen to. I listened to the big name ones...but these escaped me. Thanks.

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