Happy Holidays!
Made a mix this week i wanted to share with everyone. Not especially “festive” but i think a fun listen. Quite a few tracks that connect in interesting ways. I really enjoy it and i hope you do to.
download here
stream below
Ill Wind - "Full Cycle"
Caroline K. -" Tracking With Close-Ups"
Saffron - "All Your Ambition"
Forest Swords - "Rattling Cage"
Gypsy -"Let Me Take You Home"
Bar Italia - "Nurse!"
Susumu Yokota - "Kodomotachi"
Insides - "Clear Skin (second style)"
Sofie Birch & John Caroe - "Connotes Beauty"
Quicksilver Messenger Service - "Gold And Silver"
Television - "Venus"
Mighty Baby - "Saying For Today"
Jean Cohen-Solal - "ab hoc et ab hac"
Slowdive - "Good Day Sunshine"
Santilli - "Watching"
Caravan - "Magic Man"
Spinning it for the family feast