Here are 2 records i have owned since the early 90’s. I used to work in a record shop with a guy they nicknamed “Mr. Fusion” (terrible i know) but he had a side business where he imported jazz fusion cd’s from Japan. This was in like 1991 so there was a lot of interest in hi-end Japanese reissues of CD’s. He had a catalog and I got to pick stuff I wanted in all kinds of genres, not just fusion (which was handy because its not my bag…at all). I cant recall why i picked these 2. It may have been a short blurb coupled with the fact the covers were super cool. I seldom see anyone speak about them but i have always thought they were unique. Sort of a mysteriously dark that’s vaguely goth with haunting vocals and electronics. I noticed Mutant Sounds highlighted one of the 2 and this is what they had to say…
The second of two collaborations between Japanese chanteuse Takemi and kosmiche synth maven Pneuma, these highly evocative and oh-so-Japanese electronic environments brim with a very specific sorta tension that's also found in other Japanese electronic relics from this era that I've shared in the past, like Dada's Castle Wall, with the way that it frontages passages of stately Japanese formalism against soaring outbursts of space rock, though in the case of Cliff Of Dream, that outburst is left for the finale. En route, you'll find passages as fussy as a royal court garden while other bits lap up against twinklingly psychoactive shores in the mode of the Hideki Matsutake/Chojuri Kondoj/Masushi Kamutsubara-Edo album that I've previously shared.
I don’t really write like this but its pretty much on the money (albeit colorful in its description)
Anyhow, its a 2 for 1 special and i have uploaded both here
Have at it and enjoy!
RIP Mike Kermisch, he was a unique person. Thanks for the upload PJ