Matthew and I have been friends for a while now. I think we connected because of our mutual friend Will Sol (Prana Crafter). Not only is he one of the minds behind one of the great labels in the United States, he is also a great guy. We have had many lengthy music discussions and he is a person i seek out when i need to get a musical opinion.
Here is a nice article on the label
Bitchin Bajas - Bajascillators (Drag City)
Rich Ruth - I Survived- It's Over (Third Man Records)
Corntuth - The Desert Is Paper Thin (Flow State Records)
Forgiveness - Next Time Could Be Your Last Time (Gondwana Records)
Patricia Wolf - See-Through (Balmat)
Arthur King - Changing Landscapes (Mina Las Pintadas) (AKP Recordings)
Charlotte Adigéry & BOLIS PUPUL - Topical Dancer (Deewee)
Jeremy Cunningham / Dustin Laurenzi / Paul Bryan - A Better Ghost (Northern Spy Records)
DWLVS - The Compleat Trancing Master (Centripetal Force)
Anna Wall - Missing Moments (Dream Theory)
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="" seamless><a href="">Changing Landscapes (Mina Las Pintadas) by Arthur King</a></iframe>
Excited to see the Arthur King release included in Matthew's year end list! However it looks like perhaps the wrong embed was grabbed instead of this year's Changing Landscapes (Mina Las Pintadas)
- AKP Recordings