Anyone who knows my musical taste well is going to tell you how fond i am of the Anna Själv Tredje album. There has been a reasonable amount written about it so i wont bore you with it, but for me, its a real high point in a certain “kosmische” sound.
here is some info below
Anna Själv Tredje Tussilago Fánfara
It came out in 1977 and the group have pretty much disowned it so dont expect to see it reissued any time soon. You see originals out in the wild and they are gaining in price all the time. I think everyone who likes this type of music should hear it so i am letting you get it here
I figured while i was sharing pretty unavailable Swedish progressive music i should throw in Thomas Mera Gartz – Sånger
This is the first solo album from the Träd, Gräs och Stenar drummer and it has some real highpoints. Also hasnt been reissued and it goes for fairly high prices. i think i was turned onto this by Jeff Conklin at Ambient Audiophile. You can sub below if you so desire and it will be worth your time
the album is bundled in with the Anna Själv Tredje which you can get here
FYI, the Thomas Mera Gartz is available on streaming services, at least Apple Music.
Any chance you can re-up these...hitting this pretty late :/